"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
For a few weeks we'd heard rumors that our summer break would start soon. One day last week while students were testing, we called a teacher who told us our summer break had started 5 days earlier! Yay!
We'll spend most of our summer studying and hanging out with students and each other, which is really exciting. To kick it all off, Austin asked me on a date last Saturday. He's amazing, alright! We went to the nearby park and had a picnic he'd prepared! I've put a picture of the main ingredients below: sour cream and onion pringles (which we can find in a town not far from here!), tomato flavor potato chips, an amazing slushy that he whipped up, Asian-style bread, and cold cuts! Now, this was the first cold cut sandwich we've had since we got here, and it was AMAZING! Austin cooked and prepared the cold cuts himself. I love you, Austin!
Dad Sirles
7/21/2010 10:05:55 pm

Love the picture at the top of the page. Bethany, it looks like you're hanging out with a Hobbit!

Ms. Paschal :)
7/22/2010 09:04:20 am

Bethany!!! I love this site! I love the cooking and the pictures... and definitely your experiences! (Tomato flavored chips - sounds delicious! :) ) I can't wait to read more! I love you and miss you! Becca

7/25/2010 07:39:42 am

I really enjoyed your blog. What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing a part of yourself with us.


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