"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
Austin had a soccer game last week and I decided to take a break in my spectatorship and do some wandering. I turned off my camera's flash and assumed the role of undercover photographer. Here's what I found; I was certainly amused...
Playboy... Just another brand of clothing.
I found these randomly placed really nice couches... VIP seating anyone?
I like to call this guy "Diaperman." When he wears that thing, he doesn't need a bathroom break for the whole game...
Another shout out to the fanny pack. It doesn't matter how you wear it; just don't leave home without it!
Becca Paschal
8/7/2010 03:32:44 am

Bethany! These crack me up!!! I love diaper guy! I had no idea the fanny pack could be worn across the body... gives a whole new look the the fanny pack! :) China's got style! :)

8/8/2010 04:28:53 am

loved just now catching up on your blog!! i can hear your funniness all over the place. i miss that!! :) great pic of you and austin. can't believe how long his hair is! i am sure he has been giving you fabulous hair cuts :)


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