"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
We had vacation from school this week because it was the country's birthday. It has been so busy, and to be honest, I am met again with that it's-the-end-of-vacation-you're-supposed-to-feel-refreshed-but-you-don't feeling.

In two weeks I will start grad school. I don't know exactly what that will look like, just that it will be more hours of studying, though i think it will be interesting... and a good chance to use my Chinese since I'll have to be going into schools and talking with students, teachers, administrators...

I'm also preparing to run a book club, well it actually turned into 2 book clubs. I offered to host a club with about 10 students-- a maximum of 15-- but our school, completely not understanding the idea of small classes or interactive discussion, "offered" the idea that I include 20 students so more could participate. With these students and their English levels, 20 would be disastrous in my opinion, so now there are 2 10-person book clubs. Then, I bought a book, "Peter Pan," a very simplified version, and the school ordered 20 of them. I made a study/discussion guide for each chapter and felt like we were good to go. Then we found out that the school had accidentally ordered the MP3 discs for the book, but that the book itself was unavailable. SO... back to the semi-distant town with a bookstore that carries English books, and now I'm working on a discussion guide for "The Adventures of Pinocchio."

With the arrival of mini-muffin tins, and the discovery of making healthy soft pretzels and savory scones, you could say that I've been keeping busy in the kitchen once again.

Of course, when there's nothing to be done, there's always the endless mass of Chinese words, grammar, and conversation to be studied and practiced.

And just when I was getting bored... here come the students... it's almost time for class.

Really though, we do have a most excellent life here. There are more pictures of our weeks on our family blog, but here are a couple of pictures from our time together this week.

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