"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
This is Mel. He's my newest workout buddy, and he's perfect. He's always available for workouts whenever I'd like to start, and he never talks to me while I'm gasping for air because the workout's a little intense.
 Since arriving in China, I've found that it's sometimes a little difficult to workout outside (mainly running) because there are a million people who want to chit-chat during their 3 leisurely laps around the track while I'm trying to endure my 2.5- 3 miles, exercise-induced asthma not really helping with the whole run-and-chat factor.

So I've adopted some at-home workouts, a cardio video, a Pilates video, a kickboxing workout, and now, a new 30 minute workout that requires a ball for a few of the moves. That's where Mel comes in. He's the friend I use to roll up and down the wall as I do wall squats. He's the one I squeeze between my feet when I lay on my back to do hamstring curls. And, if ever I need a shoulder to cry on, he's an excellent listener.

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