"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
With the grand success of homemade peanut butter a few days ago, I decided to try making some cashew-almond butter, something I'd seen on the Internet a while back. The original recipe used a 2:1 ratio of cashews and almonds. I used a 1:1 ratio. This could be why my finished product was just a little more crumbly than I'd have hoped for.

First, I put 1 cup of cashews and 1 cup of almonds in the food processor. Depending on whether the nuts are pre-salted will determine how much salt to use; it will probably need somewhere in the ballpark of 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Then, as with the peanut butter, I just turned the food processor on high for a while until the nuts became well processed and crumbly.
After the nuts began to become a bit creamy, the high setting was driving the nut butter up the sides of the food processor, away from the blades, so I turned the processor to a lower setting to finish the job. Adding a little oil or water could help to moisten this mixture, or it could have been my cashew-almond ratio. I think the peanut butter wins for taste, which surprised me but made my wallet happy.

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